Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I think Almari is making Mami step it up

She woke up and the first thing she said was "Mami caca". Okay, I've failed at my week's goal of potty training. Yesterday we woke up and had to go to Abuela's so I skipped it. Then after lunch, I was busy with a new project so skipped it. So this morning, it seems like Almari took it upon herself to get this training started. She DID IT!!! I put her on the tiolet, gave her a book and in five minutes she was done. Who is training who??????

1 comment:

Judi and Elaina said...

Way to go Almari!!! Get on the ball Mami!! hee hee just kidding-it is amazing how kidprewings judt "know" when they are ready!!!